
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Searching for a recipe!

Hey Fellow Bloggers,

It is one of my favorite times of the year my garden is starting to produce wonderful things and my girls and I have been busy bottling apricots in many different ways. I just love to can and see my shelves fill up with the efforts. Tomorrow I get to do my first batch of green beans. I thought my mother was crazy when she used to make statements like that as a little girl, then my girls thought I was crazy and now they are catching on...

I am actually hoping someone has a good recipe for canning salsa, I have used one but decided that it is too sweet, I am looking for one similar to my "Pico" recipe but one that is a safe recipe to can with. If anyone has one to share I would appreciate it. Hope you're all having a great summer.


"What I Love, What I do."


  1. One of the very best places to search for recipes is Food Blog Search. It was created by Elise from Simply Recipes (one of the most brilliant food bloggers around) and I'm also one of the people with admin privileges. The site now searches over 3,ooo food blogs, all personally approved by one of us.

    If your blog is not in the search engines, check the requirements here:

  2. I too, would love a good canned salsa recipe, one that doesn't involve vinegar....
    Currently, I use stewed tomatoes and add annaheim peppers and onion to make a 'homemade' salsa.

  3. I put that request out on my blog a couple of weeks ago and none of my readers had one. I hope you get one on here because I'd like to use it too!

  4. Be sure to share when you find one! A good salsa is hard to find.

  5. I read that if you make a regular salsa recipe and then add one tablespoon of vinegar per quart jar, that will make the salsa "safe" to can.

    Has anyone else heard of that?

    Fab Frugal Food

  6. Just an update on my comment above - wanted to share info I got from canning experts.

    I went to my local U of U Extension Office to get info on canning salsa, since my garden is literally exploding with tomatoes and I want to can salsa this year.

    Their literature recommends that you put 2 tablespoons of bottled lemon juice in each quart jar before adding your salsa and then canning it.

    Lemon juice is more acidic than vinegar and affects the flavor of the food less than vinegar does.

    They recommend that you use BOTTLED lemon juice so that the acidic level is guaranteed to be 5 per cent or more, making the salsa safe to can.

  7. Thanks for the info Donna you were more succesful than I was. I am anxious to try it.

  8. I always use vingar in my recipe because that was the recipe given by ball canning company and have never had a problem with it going bad. However, salsa doesn't last long in my house.
