
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Dishes, placemats etc.

So I thought it would be fun to ask this question to everyone. Where to you like to go to get dishes, placemats, etc. for your pictures? For me, I've actually had good luck at the dollar store and Walmart.



  1. I like all the discount stores. Ross, T.J. Maxx, Big Lots.

  2. I have had good luck at Pier 1 imports - different and a little exotic. Lots of great big platters.

  3. Lots of great dishes at Savers and the DI if you go regularly and are picky about what you buy. I rarely spend more than $2 for a blog dish.

  4. Add to Pamela's comment: Home Goods, and Marshall's. Love it! I got fabulous cake platters for under $10 each!

  5. I usually just borrow great stuff from my mother-in-law because she has been collecting for years. I also like to check out yard sales sometimes you can find great stuff.

  6. I'm with Kalyn - you can find some fun finds for nice and cheap at the DI sometimes.

    Other than that most of my stuff has come from Tai Pan and IKEA. Actually, from my mom too - she's the best. She has collected for a long time, but also shops the DI for me.

  7. I love to go to Burlington Coat Factory, they have great linens at really good prices. I have been collecting dishes since my Aunt got me hooked on Depression Glass when I was a teenager so I like to go to Antique stores as well. One word of caution I love Taipan but many of the dishes sold there do not pass the lead requirements. I know because I had some tested a year ago, just thought I would pass that along, many dishes that come from China don't pass the requirements for lead. Jim Matheson is trying to get bills in to change some of the levels that are being imported hopefully he will be successful because I love dishes. IKEA doesn't have that problem. (PS if you have dishes with lead problems they are ok to use for display but it is not good to use them regularly or in the dishwasher because it leeches the lead and it can get into your food, the same for microwaving.)

  8. Thanks for that Lauri. I've wondered about my Tai Pan dishes. I have only been using them to take the pictures for the most part. Sad to know they don't pass though (but not surprising).

    I'll have to check Burlington out.
