
Friday, August 21, 2009

Moms Making Money Blogging

Alright, last announcement for tonight (promise!). I wanted to let you all know about a program that the lovely Vanessa at I Never Grew Up and Utah's Natural Kids has put together to share what she has learned about how to make an income from blogging. She is simply brilliant, and those of you that have already met her in person already know this. She is absolutely genuine and wonderful - believe me, if she wasn't, I wouldn't bother telling you all about this. As it is, I have confidence that she knows what she is talking about and you owe yourself to check it out and find out. So, here is a link (as well in the sidebar) to check it out.

Moms! Do You Want to Earn Money With Your Blog?

Good luck to us all!


Holly @ PheMOMenon

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